Connecting the five Switzerlands is the mission of the Organisation of the Swiss abroad (OSA) information and communication department. Using effective communication means, the department is in direct contact with the large public of the Fifth Switzerland, the official Swiss representations abroad, the various Swiss clubs and societies throughout the world, as well as the Swiss media and the members of the Swiss Parliament. The information is organised in two parts. One part is to inform the Swiss living abroad about actuality in Switzerland. The other is to inform the Swiss media about questions related to the Fifth Switzerland. The Fifth Switzerland is a varied public, spread all over the globe. Its multilingual and multicultural aspects make it a patchwork, that needs to be kept united. A motivating challenge for the OSA. To achieve this task, the OSA publishes the Swiss Revue six times a year to up to 422'000 copies in 5 languages all over the world, its newsletter ASO Info and the information bulletin written especially for the members of the Parliamentary group "Swiss Abroad". And not to forget the networking platform which enables the Swiss abroad, the media and politicians to obtain information and keep in touch at all times.