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Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)

"SATW is a non-commercial, politically independent umbrella organisation bringing together people, institutions and specialist companies in Switzerland that are active in the application and promotion of the engineering sciences. Outstanding experts SATW has around 300 individual members and 50 member organisations. Individual members are eminent figures from the fields of education, research, commerce and industry and politics. They are appointed for life. Specialist Swiss organisations serving the engineering sciences can apply to become member organisations of SATW. Member organisations pay an annual subscription and can apply to the Academy for grants for specific engineering projects and events. Contracted by the Federal Government to provide services The SATW is contracted by the Federal Government to identify opportunities and challenges posed by new technologies at an early stage and to bring these to the public's attention. A key mandate includes raising interest in and promoting understanding of technology among the population. The SATW and its three sister academies SAGW, SAMW and SCNAT are recognised as scientific institutions under Federal research law. Around 80% of the SATW's funding (approximately CHF 1.8 million a year) comes from the Federal Government. The Academy has the legal form of an association. Basically members of the SATW bodies work on a voluntary basis. The highest body in SATW is the assembly of members. Individual members and representatives of the member organisations have the right to vote and stand for election."

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